2 Split the List

2 Split the List

Some things on your list really, really matter. By comparison, some things don’t.

So now divide your list up into:

  • What’s wildly important – what really matters
  • And what isn’t [wildly important].

How do you decide what’s wildly important?

Here are two possible ways:

CONSEQUENCES: One is with the idea of consequences – that the consequences of not doing this particular list item are very severe. By comparison, the consequences of not doing something on the “isn’t” list are far less severe. It’s not that there are no consequences – just that they’re far less severe.

HIGH VALUE / LOW VALUE: Things on the ‘wildly important’ list contribute high value in your job. Things on the “isn’t” list contribute far less (or even, no) value.

So now, divide your list. Two other points:

  • For the moment, let’s pretend that you can decide entirely by yourself without reference to anybody else what matters and what doesn’t matter. (We’ll get to the problem of other people affected by your decisions later).
  • If you decide that everything you do is wildly important, while I wouldn’t actually be convinced about that, I’ll let you away with it for the moment.

Ok – go to it. Divide your list.