1 I’d like all of our staff to have a common way of approaching any project, large or small.

2 How do I keep my staff highly motivated all of the time?

3 I want to be able to list all the tasks and produce a timeline for my projects.

4 I was encouraged to join this course as my colleague found it REALLY REALLY useful and I hope to benefit from it too

5 Very simply what I want from the course, I just want to be able to sit down with a project and not feel overwhelmed with organisation from the get go.

6 I want to be able to tackle a project with confidence, knowledge and processes that will help me achieve a successful outcome.

7 For this course to be useful to me, it should give me simple tools to help with organisation and processes to give me more confidence in my ability to manage.

8  would like to focus on:

  • A practical & timely method of managing project work tasks & timelines
  • Get a better understanding of how to manage stakeholders & expectations
  • Methods of tracking & governing projects

9 I did a diploma in Advanced Project Mgn (PMP) a number of years ago, I find this method too large scale for managing a on the job project.

10 I would like to have by the end of the course:

  • An improved structured method on planning and executing projects
  • Guidance on time planning when leading or participating in multi projects

11 My best possible outcome for the course,is to learn how to manage expectations from all stakeholders throughout the project, for example when timelines and budgets change due to unforeseen circumstances.

12 I want to be able to complete a project by leading a team that meets all deadlines while keeping everything calm and controlled.

13 The outcome of the course that would be of most benefit to me both in my work life and personal life would be learning to streamline processes and help to foresee the challenges that may arise at the outlook of the project or at least earlier in the project to be able to better plan for them rather than react. The would enable the project/task to run smoother and more efficiently with as little effort as possible outside of drawing up the original plan, schedule, costs, etc.

14 I am working on a new project for Musgrave, rolling out a … Any way that could improve this roll out and make this as efficient as possible would make this course really really useful.

15 I would like to better understanding of project management to implement right away.

16 I have never done a project management course before but the best possible outcome for me would be to understand what kind of structure is needed to deliver a big project.

17 I would like to remember 4 or 5 key steps to take away that are key and relevant to planning any project in the future – the corner stones that can be applied to any project.

18 I would like to learn how to better utilise my time so I don’t keep feeling stressed about tasks and having to work late.

19 An improved structured method on planning and executing projects

20 Guidance on time planning when leading or participating in multi projects